“Very excited to discover the RASV and to receive my copy that I just ordered! I have long been a fan of the ASV…I’m looking forward to preaching from the RASV and commending it to others — hopefully beginning this Lord’s Day. I wish you and your partners in this work every God-glorifying success. What a marvelous translation!”
— Greg L.
The Bible arrived today and I am most pleased to have it. The large print edition is a major improvement, for me at least, over the standard size text. I am deeply grateful for the work that you've done to bring forth this refreshed edition of the American standard version. And for your efforts keeping it in print."
— Rev Charles R.
“I'm so pleased that you have taken up the cause of the ASV. As a bible school instructor I have often found the ASV's close adherence to the syntax of the greek New Testament to be very helpful in my studies. Thank you for keeping it alive.”
— Mark M.
“I don't know how long this has been available, but I just saw it today. The RASV is a dream come true. I LOVE the 1901 ASV Bible… When I saw this, I wanted one. This would be great to use since I teach a high school class and it would be more modern. Thank you for remembering all of us who love the ASV.”
— Michael G.
“As a seminary student working on a Doctorate in Ministry; and having gone through a Master's of Arts in Biblical Exposition, and on top of that a Bachelor of Science in Biblical and Theological Studies; I know that translation is a thankless job, even transliteration is thankless work. But the work of "refreshing", not many even remotely know what that entails. A keen eye for detail, the ability to almost be a walking thesaurus, and an extended understanding of Biblical context are critical; not to mention being able to have the restraint and discipline to refrain from wanting to help the text be modernized, these things I know are essential to your work. With that said, thank you. Thank you for keeping a truly hidden gem alive in the 21st century.”
— Nicholas K.
“Many thanks for the wonderful work on this ‘refreshment’ of the ASV. I've long admired the ASV as one of the most literal and stately versions that is sadly neglected, and I'm very much a fan of what you are doing here. I've ordered my copy of the New Testament and Psalms. Godspeed to the rest of your work.”
— Jay N.
“Two days ago I was praying and asking the Lord...’it's so hard to read the American Standard Bible because of all the old English.’ I said ‘I wish you had a Bible that kept the American Standard like it was, yet got rid of all the words that wouldn't compromise the Integrity of the text.’ Fast forward two days later I went to a house Church about 2 hours away and I'm sitting next to a guy and I looked down at his bible and it says ‘Refreshed American Standard Version.’ At the time I thought to myself ‘There is no way that this is what I think it is.’ After the service I asked him what that was and he told me. I could not believe it was the exact thing I asked the Lord for. May the Lord bless you guys for this work that you're doing. I'm excited to get the Old Testament as well…Blessings to you guys.“
— Gabe W.
“I want to first say I love what you’ve done so far with the RASV. I’m reading through Proverbs as part of my Scripture reading and it’s a blessing.”
— Jonathan T.
“I’d like to first thank you for this project. The ASV has been one of my favorite translations for a long time, and to have it refreshed and readily available in print is a blessing. I bought the NT/Psalms and have gotten so much from it already.”
— Christopher M.
“I’m excited to see that you have updated the ASV…”
— Chris S.
“Please accept my sincere thanks for all your good work to prepare and process my custom order, see it through production, and ship it all the way to Korea! I received my RASV Bible this week, and it's even lovelier than expected! From the quality of your RASV translation, to the quality of Grimm's binding service, to your work with Korean customs, to the safe packaging that kept my Bible safe from shipping gorillas, I couldn't be happier. May God bless your endeavors!”
— Eric A.